Cambly 中国:上海桃核信息科技有限公司
Cambly 美国:Cambly Inc.
欢迎来到Cambly!我们知道,您很关心我们如何使用和共享您的信息。感谢您的信任,我们会认真、理智行事。Cambly以下称“Cambly”、“我们”、“我司”或“我们的”)制定本《隐私政策》(下称“政策”或“隐私政策”),旨在详细说明我们采集哪些信息、如何使用这些信息、何时以及向谁共享这些信息。本政策适用于网址为www.cambly.com和www.koudaiyingwen.com的Cambly大众网站(“官网”)和Cambly移动设备应用程序(“App”,与网站一起,统称“服务”)。访问或使用服务,即表示您同意本政策。如果您不同意本政策,请勿访问或使用服务。您信息的数据管理人为Cambly Inc.
欲通过https://www.cambly.com/kids/student浏览Cambly Kids儿童网站(Cambly Kids网站),请点击此处查看我们的《儿童隐私政策》,了解我们如何采集、使用和共享从孩子那里采集的个人信息。
- 我们所采集的信息
(1) 您直接向我们提供的信息
- 您对我们服务的使用,如您进行账户注册或使用我们提供的教学服务;
- 您参与调查或填写我们的表格;
- 您了解我们的服务信息,如咨询我们的教学服务;
- 您购买或使用我们的服务,如通过我们的服务与教师或学生进行互动;
- 您订阅我们的新闻;
- 您注册参与竞赛或促销活动;
- 您请求支持和/或技术协助;
- 您将用户内容或其它信息传送给我们;以及,
- 您同我们进行的其它各类交流。
- 账户注册和联系信息:您在我们这里注册账户时,我们可能采集您的信息。除其它内容外,此类信息还包括您的姓名、用户名、电子邮箱地址、个人相片、显示名称、密码、出生日期、地址以及您提供的其它信息。
- 付款和财务信息:我们或我们的服务提供商可能采集您的付款信息,如付款卡号、有效期、账单地址以及账户名称。
- 人口统计信息:我们会采集您的人口统计信息,如您的居住国、时区以及使用的语言。
- 音/视频教学课程数据:当您通过我们的服务与教师或学生进行互动时,我们会保留相关视频和聊天记录。我们可能将此类记录用于我们内部业务目的,包括但不限于教师评估、教师培训、争议解决及我们服务的改进等。
- 您提供给我们的其它内容和信息:我们可能采集您自愿提供给我们的其它内容和信息,如您通过服务或电子邮箱联系我们时所提交的信息。
- 系统权限调用:为提供服务,我们会调用您的一些系统权限。下方我们列出了请求权限对应的业务功能,调用的目的以及请求的实际。下方的权限,您可以在系统设置功能中选择选择关闭,但关闭基础业务功能的调用,您可能无法使用此相关的功能。
序号 | 权限分类 | 权限功能 | 涉及功能 | 权限内容 |
1 | 相机 | 视频功能 | 进入教室上课 | 上课访问摄像头权限 |
2 | 相机 | 拍摄照片 | 设置APP头像 | 头像拍照访问摄像头权限 |
3 | 相机 | 拍摄照片 | 自动生成海报 | 拍照需要访问麦克风权限 |
4 | 相机 | 读取您的SD卡中的内容 | 设置头像 | 设置头像,合成海报等需要访问相册的权限 |
5 | 麦克风 | 麦克风 | 课前预习 | 课前复习视频和音频等需要访问麦克风 |
6 | 麦克风 | 麦克风 | 上课联系 | 上课视频需要 访问麦克风权限 |
7 | 麦克风 | 麦克风 | 课后复习 | 课后看视频复习需访问麦克风权限 |
8 | 设备信息 | 设备信息:读取手机状态和身份 | 需要排查线上和网络连接等问题 | 排查网络连接等问题时需要用到手机型号等设备信息; |
9 | 存储 | 读取您的SD卡中的内容 | 设置头像和分享海报 | 设置头像和分享海报需要访问手机存储的权限; |
(2) 关联和非关联第三方的信息
(3) 我们自动采集的信息
设备/使用信息。我们以及我们的第三方服务提供商,包括Google Analytics等网络和分析公司,可能会通过Cookie、网络信标以及其它追踪技术,采集您访问服务所用的计算机或设备(包括移动设备)的信息。如下文所述,我们采集并分析的信息包括但不限于:(a)浏览器类型;(b)ISP或操作系统;(c)域名;(d)访问时间;(e)引用和退出页面;(f)页面浏览情况;(g)IP地址;(h)设备唯一标识符(如IDFA或Android ID);以及(i)您所用设备的类型。我们也可能会追踪您使用或访问服务的时间以及频次,包括您与我们网站或移动应用互动或浏览方法等。我们使用这些信息(包括我们第三方服务提供商采集的信息)进行分析(包括确定服务经常被使用的部分以及我们用户的偏好等),以确定相关广告(含线上和线下)的情况,评估我们广告投放活动成功与否,以及《隐私政策》所述的其它目的。
我们同时也会使用本地共享对象(也称“Flash cookies”),帮助提供一些特殊内容,例如视频剪辑或动漫。Flash cookies存储在您的设备上,但不通过您的网页浏览器进行管理。欲了解更多有关Flash cookies的管理方法,您可访问Adobe网站,在全球隐私设置面板中进行调整。
您可以选择接受或拒绝cookies。 大多数网页浏览器都自动接受cookies,但是,您可以根据偏好更改浏览器设置,拒绝cookies。如果您禁用了cookies,您可能无法享受服务的所有功能,因为此时服务可能无法正常运行。Flash cookies与浏览器cookies不同,浏览器中的cookies管理工具可能不会对Flash cookies产生影响。由于我们还采用了其它技术,所以,我们可能还会通过其它方法收集额外的信息。
- 我们如何使用所采集的信息
- 向您提供服务,包括账户注册、教学服务以及交易处理等;
- 响应您的问题和咨询,包括提供支持、协助解决问题等;
- 与您进行交流,包括与您交流您的账户情况、咨询情况、我们公司情况及相关新闻,同时,向您发送促销邮件、调查、新闻或通知等;
- 为您提供个性化服务,并提供更改或终止个性化服务选择;
- 分析和改进服务或我们提供的其它产品和服务;
- 管理调查、抽奖、促销或竞赛等活动;
- 改进我们的广告和营销工作,如为您提供可能感兴趣的产品或服务的建议;
- 核实您的身份;
- 履行我们的法定义务或在法律允许的范围内使用;
- 保护我们用户、雇员、第三方、公众以及/或我们服务的安全及/或完整性;
- 防范欺诈,执行我们的法律条款;以及
- 管理服务,解决服务中的问题;
- 收集使用个人信息的目的,方式和范围
- 附属机构:我们可能会跟Cambly的附属机构共享您的信息。
- 您的同意/指示:经您同意,我们可能将您的信息披露给不存在关联的第三方;此类同意包括:(a)为了便于教学过程中与教师、学生或他人进行互动而披露您的信息;(b)获得您的许可,如您指示我们在社交网站上分享教学课程;或(c)本《隐私政策》、《用户协议》或其它与您使用服务有关的适用法律条款的规定。
- 服务提供商:我们允许代表我们提供服务的优选供应商访问或共享您的信息,因为他们向我司提供各类服务,如数据存储、分析、计费、营销、产品内容和特性、客户服务、安全、欺诈防范和法律服务等。详情请参考以下第三方公司和服务列表。
- SDK技术服务商:Cambly某些具体的模块或功能由外部供应商提供,或使用第三方SDK的协助完成,或者由第三方SDK来直接提供相关服务。SDK技术服务提供方会基于向您提供功能或者服务之必须获取相应权限及信息,请您仔细阅读我们下述SDK列表了解我们具体集成的SDK名称,SDK技术服务提供方,SDK引用场景(即SDK类型),及SDK获取的权限与个人信息类型等内容。
华为HMS SDK:由华为技术有限公司提供,包含华为推送SDK,华为登录SDK,华为支付SDK,提供推送、登录、支付服务,我们可能会将您的SD卡信息、登录信息、支付信息提供给华为技术有限公司,用于为您提供推送、登录、支付服务。
阿里云: 由阿里云计算机有限公司提供的文件上传和存储服务,提供给学员本地化的课后视频查看功能等,将获取用户的常用设备信息,网络连接信息,运营商信息等。
- 保护Cambly和他人:在诚实信用的原则下,当我们认为有必要或适当时,我们可能会共享或披露某些信息,以(i)保护或保卫Cambly或第三方的权利、安全或财产,包括保卫或执行我们的《隐私政策》、《用户协议》或其它各类合约;(ii)响应您有关客户服务方面的请求;以及/或(iii)保护Cambly、其代理和附属机构、雇员、用户和/或公众的权利、财产或人身安全。
- 法律要求:在诚实信用的原则下,当我们认为有必要或适当时,我们可能会共享或披露某些信息,以执行相关执法、法律或监管程序,如对搜查令、传票、法院命令或其他适用法律法规做出回应等。
- 业务转移:我们可能会在涉及合并、出售公司资产、融资或出售我司全部或部分业务事件中或在其谈判期间,共享或披露某些信息。
- 汇总/匿名信息:我们可能会随时共享有关服务使用情况的汇总/匿名信息,如创建有关使用趋势的报告。此类数据的共享不受限制。
- 在线分析和广告
(1) 分析
我们会在服务中使用第三方网页分析服务,例如Google Analytics。此类服务提供采用上文“我们自动采集的信息”部分所述的一些技术,帮助我们分析用户如何使用服务,包括提示您是通过哪个第三方网站访问的。该技术采集的信息,将披露给此类服务供应商,或由其直接采集并应用于评估您对服务的使用情况。我们同时也会为广告相关的目的使用Google Analytics ,具体参见下文说明。如果不想让Google Analytics使用您的信息进行分析,您可以安装Google Analytics Opt-Out Browser Add-on。
(2) 广告
我们可能会允许其它第三方(诸如Google Analytics等广告网络和广告服务商)访问您访问服务时所使用的电脑、手机或其它设备中的它们自己的cookie或其它追踪技术。对于不存在关联的第三方广告技术方、广告服务商、广告网络或其它非关联第三方放置在您访问服务时所使用的电脑、手机或其它设备中的它们自己的cookie或其它追踪技术,我们既无权进行访问,也不受本《隐私政策》的约束。如下文所述,使用上述技术的当事方,可能会向您提供退出目标广告的方法。您可以通过网络浏览器接收您电脑中的定制广告。我们可能会以散列非人工可读格式,将关联了链接或衍生自您自愿提交给我们的数据(如您的电子邮箱地址)的去身份化数据的Cookies,共享给服务提供商。
如果您想了解更多关于定制浏览器广告以及如何控制cookies不被放置到您的电脑中进行定制营销,您可以访问网络广告促进会(“NAI”)的消费者退出链接以及/或数字广告联盟(“DAA”)的消费者退出链接,选择退出,不再接收参与该项目的相关公司的定制广告。如想退出Google Analytics的展示广告或定制谷歌网络展示广告,您可以访问Google 广告设置页面。请注意,由于服务在一定程度上植入了广告技术,所以即便您选择了退出定制广告,您可能仍会收到广告内容。在此情况下,广告内容并不是根据您的兴趣定制的。此外,我们无法控制上述任何退出链接,也不对你使用这些机制时做出的任何选择或这些机制的持续可用性或准确性负责。如果您的浏览器设置为在访问该退出页面时拒绝cookies,或您随后清除了您的cookies、改用其它电脑或更换了浏览器,您的NAI或DAA选择退出设置可能失效。了解更多信息,可通过上述链接,登录NAI和DAA网站。
- 我们使用您信息的法律依据
- 合约承诺:我们通过信息的使用、共享和披露,践行我们对您的合约承诺。例如,践行您在进行浏览或以其他方式使用我们服务时接受的《用户协议》。
- 您的同意:按照法律规定,在某些情况下,我们会在您同意的基础上,使用、共享或披露信息。
- 合法利益:在许多情况下,我们使用、共享或披露信息是因为它能够在不凌驾于当事方个人利益、基本权利和自由的情况下,提升我们的合法商业利益,如客户服务、某些促销活动、分析并改进我们的业务、为我们的服务提供安全保障、防范欺诈、管理法律问题等。
- 合法:我们需要通过某种方式使用、共享和披露信息,以履行我们的法律义务。
- 您信息的安全
- 同意转移
- 儿童隐私
Cambly Kids网站包含适合儿童(包括未满13周岁的儿童,下称“孩子”)的内容并且可能会直接采集孩子的个人信息。更多有关我们在Cambly Kids网站采集、使用和披露孩子个人信息方面的不同做法,请参阅我们的《儿童隐私政策》。
- 第三方网站
- 您的选择
- 个人资料和账户:如果您有我们服务相关的账户,您可以通过服务中的个人设置,访问并编辑您提供给我们的信息。
- 营销邮件:如您想退出营销邮件通信,您可以点击营销邮件中的“取消订阅”链接。
- Cookies和分析:您可以按照本《隐私政策》的相关指示,退出某些有关cookies和分析的程序。
- 内华达州居民:根据内华达州法律,某些内华达州消费者可以选择退出以金钱为目的售卖“个人身份信息”(根据内华达州法律的定义)给某人,以便其许可或出售给他人。我们不参与此类活动。
- 中国,欧盟、土耳其和巴西居民:您在某些情况下享有以下权利。为了行使这些权利,请提交表单联系我们。您当地的法律可能允许您要求我们:
- 允许您访问和/或向您提供一份我们持有的与您相关的特定信息的副本。
- 阻止以直接营销为目的的个人信息处理(包括任何基于个人资料的直接营销过程)。
- 更新或更正已过时或不正确的信息。
- 删除我们持有的与您有关的特定信息。
- 反对、取消或限制我们处理和披露某些信息的方式;
- 将您的信息转给第三方服务提供商。
- 撤销您对处理您信息的同意。
- 如果您有未解决的问题,您可以向您当地的数据保护机关提出申诉。
- 加利福尼亚州居民:请查看我们的《加利福尼亚州居民的隐私补充说明》。
- 隐私政策调整
- 联系我们
收件单位:Cambly, Inc.
地址:340 S Lemon Ave. #4343
Walnut, CA 91789
- 加利福尼亚州居民的隐私补充说明
- 身份类信息:我们可能采集诸如姓名、电子邮箱地址、电话号码及其它账户信息等身份信息。
- 商业信息:我们可能采集诸如您同我们进行交易的交易数据等商业信息。
- 人口统计信息:我们可能通过您的个人资料或上课内容,间接采集人口统计信息。
- 财务或付款信息:我们或我们的服务提供商可能出于处理服务付款等目的,采集付款或其它财务信息。
- 工作信息:我们可能采集诸如岗位和职位及业务联系信息等工作和业务联系信息。
- 互联网、其它网络或设备活动信息:我们可能采集诸如IP地址、设备唯一标识符、广告和app标识符、浏览历史及其它使用数据等网络或设备信息。
- 位置信息:我们可能采集大概的位置信息(例如通过IP地址或时区推断出的位置信息)。
- 感官信息:我们可能采集教学过程视频和音频等感官信息。
- 受保护类的个人信息:我们的用户可能会向我们提供一些受保护类的信息,如民族或国籍。
- 其他可以识别或与您合理关联的信息:我们也可能会采集可以识别或与您合理关联的信息,如当您向我们发出交流请求时。
- 提供服务(如账户服务和维护、订单处理及完成、客户服务、广告和营销、分析以及服务方面的各类沟通等);
- 系统运行(如提供服务,排除服务故障);
- 审查消费者在我们网站上的互动情况(如评价和印象);
- 监测、防范和预防安全事件以及诈骗或其它非法活动等;
- 漏洞检测、错误上报,确保我们的服务质量或安全;
- 短期、临时使用,如我们或我们服务提供商在服务中展示的定制内容;
- 改进我们现有服务、开发新服务(如开展调查,开发新产品或新功能);
- 提高我们商业利益或经济利益等其它用途,如第三方向您推广或交流第三方合作伙伴的相关报价;
- 其它用途,届时我们会通知您。
- 告知过去十二个月内,我们所采集或披露的您的个人信息的类型;此类信息的来源种类;采集此类信息的商业或经济目的;以及我们向哪类第三方共享过此类个人信息。
- 允许您访问和/并向您提供一份我们持有的与您有关的特定信息的副本;
- 删除我们持有的与您有关的特定信息。
对于我们通过服务为第三方采集的信息,Cambly努力为您提供这方面的多样选择。这也是为什么我们(上文)提供NAI“消费者退出”链接、DAA退出链接以及谷歌退出链接。尽管如此,由于互联网行业当前仍在研究“禁止追踪”标准、执行以及解决方案,Cambly 目前无法识别也不响应浏览器发起的“禁止追踪”信号。
Privacy Policy
Welcome to Cambly Inc.! We know that you care how information about you is used and shared, and we appreciate your trust that we will do so carefully and sensibly. Cambly, Inc. (“Cambly,” “we,” “us,” or “our”) provides this Privacy Policy (“Policy” or “Privacy Policy”) to describe the information we collect, how we use it, and when and with whom we share it. This Policy applies to the general-audience Cambly website (the “Site”) located at www.cambly.com, the Cambly mobile device application (the “App,” collectively with the Site, the “Services”). By accessing or using the Services, you agree to this Policy. If you do not agree to this Policy, please do not access or use the Services. Cambly Inc. is the data controller for your information.
For information about our child-directed Cambly Kids website located at https://www.cambly.com/kids/student (“Cambly Kids Site”), please see our Children’s Privacy Policy located here for information on how we collect, use, and share personal information collected from children.
- The Information We Collect
We collect information about you through providing our Services. The types of information we collect depends on the Services and the features you use on the Services. Please note that we need certain types of information to provide the Services to you. If you do not provide us with such information, or if you ask us to delete that information, you may no longer be able to access or use certain Services.
- Information You Provide Directly to Us
We may collect information that you provide directly to us through:
- Your use of our Services, e.g. when you register for an account or use the tutoring services we offer;
- Your participation in surveys or when you fill out our forms;
- Your request for information about our Services, such as when inquiring about our tutoring services;
- Your purchase or use of our Services, such as when you engage with a tutor or student on our Services;
- Your subscription to newsletters;
- Your registration for contests or promotions;
- Your requests for support and/or technical assistance;
- Your transmission of user content or other information to us; and
- Any other communications you have with us.
The information you provide directly to us may concern you or others and may include, but is not limited to:
- Account Registration and Contact Information: We may collect information from you when you sign up for an account with us. That information may include, among other things, your name, a username, email address, profile picture, display name, password, date of birth, address, and other information you provide.
- Payment and Financial Information: We or our service providers may collect payment information from you, such as payment card number, expiration date, billing address, and payment account name.
- Demographic Information: We may collect your demographic information such as your country of residence, time zone, and language(s) spoken.
- Audio/Video Tutoring Session Data: When you use our Services to engage with a tutor or student, we retain recordings of the video and chat sessions. We may use such recordings for our internal business purposes, including without limitation for purposes of tutor evaluation, tutor training, dispute resolution, and improving our Services.
- Other Content and Other Information You Provide to Us: We collect additional content and information that you voluntarily provide us, such as content you submit when you contact us via the Services or by e-mail.
You are not required to provide us with such information, but certain features of the Services may not be accessible or available, absent the provision of the requested information.
- Information from Affiliates and Non-Affiliated Third Parties
We may collect information about you or others through our affiliates or through non-affiliated third parties. For example, Cambly tutors may take notes on your conversations, based on information provided during tutoring sessions. We may combine information that we collect from you through the Services with information that we obtain from such third parties and information derived from other products or services we provide.
- Information We Collect Automatically
Device/Usage Information. We and our third-party service providers, which include ad networks and analytics companies such as Google Analytics, may use cookies, web beacons, and other tracking technologies to collect information about the computers or devices (including mobile devices) you use to access the Services. As described further below, we may collect and analyze information including but not limited to (a) browser type; (b) ISP or operating system; (c) domain name; (d) access time; (e) referring or exit pages; (f) page views; (g) IP address; (h) unique device identifiers (e.g. IDFA or Android ID); and (i) the type of device that you use. We may also track when and how frequently you access or use the Services, including how you engage with or navigate our website or mobile application. We use this information (including the information collected by our third-party service providers) for analytics (including to determine which portions of the Services are used most frequently and what our users like/do not like), to assist in determining relevant advertising (both on and off the Services), to evaluate the success of our advertising campaigns, and as otherwise described in this Privacy Policy.
Cookies and Other Electronic Technologies. We and our third-party service providers may use cookies, clear GIFs, pixel tags, and other technologies that help us better understand user behavior, personalize preferences, perform research and analytics, and improve the Services. These technologies, for example, may allow us to tailor the Services to your needs, save your password in password-protected areas, track the pages you visit, help us manage content, and compile statistics about usage of our Services. We or our third-party service providers also may use certain of these technologies in emails to our customers to help us track email response rates, identify when our emails are viewed, and track whether our emails are forwarded.
We may also use local shared objects (also known as "Flash cookies") to assist in delivering special content, such as video clips or animation. Flash cookies are stored on your device, but they are not managed through your web browser. To learn more about how to manage Flash cookies, you can visit the Adobe website and make changes at the Global Privacy Settings Panel.
You can choose to accept or decline cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but your browser may allow you to modify your browser settings to decline cookies if you prefer. If you disable cookies, you may be prevented from taking full advantage of the Services, because the Services may not function properly. Flash cookies operate differently than browser cookies, and cookie management tools available in a web browser may not affect flash cookies. As we adopt additional technologies, we may also gather additional information through other methods.
Location Information. When you use the Services, we may collect general location information (such as general location inferred from an IP address).
- How We Use the Information We Collect
We use your information for business and commercial purposes, such as:
- To provide you with the Services, including to register you for an account, enable tutoring sessions, and process transactions;
- To respond to your questions or inquiries, including to provide support and troubleshooting assistance;
- To communicate with you, including to communicate with you about your account, inquiries, our company, and related news, as well as to send you promotional emails, surveys, newsletters, or notifications;
- To manage and remember your preferences and customize the Services;
- To analyze and improve the Services or any other products and services we provide;
- To administer surveys, sweepstakes, promotions, or contests;
- To improve our advertising and marketing, such as to provide you with recommendations for products or services that may interest you;
- To verify your identity;
- To comply with our legal obligations or as permitted by law;
- To protect the safety and/or integrity of our users, employees, third parties, members of the public, and/or our Services;
- To prevent fraud and enforce our legal terms; and
- To administer and troubleshoot the Services.
We may combine information that we collect from you through the Services with information that we obtain from affiliated and nonaffiliated third parties, and information derived from any other products or services we provide.
We may aggregate and/or de-identify information collected through the Services. We may use de-identified or aggregated data for any purpose, including without limitation for research and marketing purposes and may also share such data with any third parties, including without limitation, advertisers, promotional partners, sponsors, event promoters, and/or others.
- With Whom & Why We Share Your Information
We may share or disclose your personal information for the following reasons:
- Affiliates: We may share your information with Cambly affiliates.
- Consent/At Your Direction. We may disclose your information to nonaffiliated third parties based on your consent to do so. Such consent includes the disclosure of your information (a) in order to connect you with a tutor or student or otherwise in a tutoring session; (b) when we have your permission, such as if you direct us to share information about a tutoring session on a social networking site; or (c) as described in this Privacy Policy, the User Agreement, or any other legal terms governing your use of the Services.
- Service Providers: We provide access to or share your information with select vendors who perform services on our behalf. They provide a variety of services to us, including data storage, analytics, billing, marketing, product content and features, customer service, data storage, security, fraud prevention, and legal services.
- Protection of Cambly and Others: We may share or disclose certain information if we believe in good faith that doing so is necessary or appropriate to (i) protect or defend the rights, safety, or property of Cambly or third parties, including to defend or enforce our Privacy Policy, our User Agreement, or any other contractual arrangement; (ii) respond to your requests for customer service; and/or (iii) protect the rights, property or personal safety of Cambly, its agents and affiliates, its employees, users and/or the public.
- Legal Requirements: We may share or disclose certain information if we believe in good faith that doing so is necessary or appropriate to comply with any law enforcement, legal, or regulatory process, such as to respond to a warrant, subpoena, court order, or other applicable laws and regulations.
- Business Transfer: We may share or disclose certain information, in connection with or during negotiations of any merger, sale of company assets, financing, or acquisition of all or a portion of our business to another company.
- Aggregate/Anonymous Information: From time to time, we may share aggregate/anonymous information about use of the Services, such as by creating reports on usage trends. The sharing of such data is unrestricted.
- Online Analytics and Advertising
- Analytics
We may use third-party web analytics services on the Services, such as those of Google Analytics. These service providers use the sort of technology described in the “Information we collect automatically” section above to help us analyze how users use the Services, including by noting the third-party website from which you arrive. The information collected by the technology will be disclosed to or collected directly by these service providers, who use the information to evaluate your use of the Services. We also use Google Analytics for certain purposes related to advertising, as described in the following section. To prevent Google Analytics from using your information for analytics, you may install the Google Analytics Opt-Out Browser Add-on.
- Advertising
We may allow other third parties (e.g., ad networks and ad servers such as Google Analytics) to access their own cookies or other tracking technologies on your computer, mobile phone, or other device you use to access the Services. We neither have access to, nor does this Privacy Policy govern, the use of cookies or other tracking technologies that may be placed on your computer, mobile phone, or other device you use to access the Services by non-affiliated, third-party ad technologies, ad servers, ad networks or any other non-affiliated third parties. Those parties that use these technologies may offer you a way to opt out of targeted advertising as described below. You may receive tailored advertising on your computer through a web browser. Cookies may be associated with de-identified data linked to or derived from data you voluntarily have submitted to us (e.g., your email address) that we may share with a service provider in hashed, non-human-readable form.
If you are interested in more information about tailored browser advertising and how you can generally control cookies from being put on your computer to deliver tailored marketing, you may visit the Network Advertising Initiative's (“NAI”) Consumer Opt-Out Link and/or the Digital Advertising Alliance's (“DAA”) Consumer Opt-Out Link to opt-out of receiving tailored advertising from companies that participate in those programs. To opt out of Google Analytics for Display Advertising or customize Google Display Network ads, you can visit the Google Ads Settings page. Please note that to the extent advertising technology is integrated into the Services, you may still receive advertising content even if you opt out of tailored advertising. In that case, the advertising content will just not be tailored to your interests. Also, we do not control any of the above opt-out links and are not responsible for any choices you make using these mechanisms or the continued availability or accuracy of these mechanisms. If your browsers are configured to reject cookies when you visit this opt-out page, or you subsequently erase your cookies, use a different computer or change web browsers, your NAI or DAA opt-out may no longer be effective. Additional information is available on NAI's and DAA's websites, accessible by the above links.
- Our Legal Bases for Use of Your Information
The laws of some jurisdictions such as the laws of the European Union require data controllers to tell you about the legal ground that they rely on for using, sharing, or disclosing of your information. To the extent those laws apply, our legal grounds are as follows:
- Contractual Commitments: We may use, share, or disclose information to honor our contractual commitments to you. For example, to comply with our User Agreement, which you accept by browsing or otherwise using our Services.
- With Your Consent: Where required by law, and in some other cases, we use, share, or disclose information on the basis of your consent.
- Legitimate Interests: In many cases, we use, share, or disclose information on the ground that it furthers our legitimate business interests in ways that are not overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the affected individuals, such as customer service, certain promotional activities, analyzing and improving our business, providing security for our Services, preventing fraud, and managing legal issues.
- Legal Compliance: We need to use, share, and disclose information in certain ways to comply with our legal obligations.
- Security of Your Information
We implement security measures to protect your information. It is important that you protect and maintain the security of your account credentials and you need to immediately notify us of any unauthorized use of your account. Please understand that no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. Consequently, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us.
- Consent to Transfer
Our computer systems are currently based in the United States, so your personal information will be processed by us in the United States, where data protection and privacy regulations may not offer the same level of protection as in other parts of the world. By using the Services, you agree to this Privacy Policy and you consent to the transfer of all such information to the United States, which may not offer a level of protection equivalent to that required in the European Union, United Kingdom, or certain other countries, and to the processing of that information as described in this Privacy Policy.
- Children’s Privacy
The Cambly Kids Site contains content appropriate for children, including those under the age of 13 (“children”), and may collect personal information directly from children. For more information about our distinct practices concerning collection, use, and disclosure of children’s personal information in connection with the Cambly Kids Site, please see our Children’s Privacy Policy.
Our general-audience Services are not directed to people under 13 years of age. If you become aware that your child has provided us with personal information through the Services, please contact us at help+legal@cambly.com. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 13 through the Services. If we become aware that a child under 13 has provided us with personal information, we will take steps to remove that information as required by applicable law and terminate the applicable account.
- Third-Party Websites
Our Services may link to third-party websites from companies other than Cambly, such as to relevant online resources, our partners’ websites, and other third-party websites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or content of such other websites. If you have any questions about how these other websites use your information, you should review their policies and contact them directly. We are not responsible for the actions of third parties.
- Your Choices
You have certain rights and choices with respect to your information, such as:
- Profile Information and Accounts: If you have an account on our Services, you can access and edit the information you provided to us through individual settings in the Services. If you want to terminate your account, please email us at help@cambly.com.
- Marketing Emails: To opt out of marketing e-mail communications, you may click the “unsubscribe” link in the marketing e-mails.
- Cookies & Analytics: You can opt out of certain cookie-related and analytics processing by following the instructions in this Privacy Policy.
- Nevada Residents: Under Nevada law, certain Nevada consumers may opt out of the sale of “personally identifiable information” for monetary consideration (as such terms are defined by Nevada law) to a person for that person to license or sell such information to additional persons. We do not engage in such activity.
- EU, Turkish and Brazilian Residents: You may have the following rights, under certain circumstances. To exercise any of your rights please email us at help@cambly.com. Your local laws may permit you to request that we:
- Provide access to and/or a copy of certain information we hold about you
- Prevent the processing of your information for direct marketing purposes (including any direct marketing processing based on profiling)
- Update or rectify information which is out of date or incorrect
- Delete certain information that we are holding about you
- Oppose, cancel or restrict the way that we process and disclose certain information
- Transfer your information to a third-party provider of services
- Revoke your consent for the processing of your information
We will consider all requests and provide our response within the time period stated by applicable law. Please note, however, that certain information may be exempt from such requests in some circumstances, which may include if we need to keep processing your information for our legitimate interests or to comply with a legal obligation. We may request that you provide us with information necessary to confirm your identity before responding to your request as required or permitted by applicable law.
- In you have unresolved concerns, you may lodge a complaint with your local data protection authority.
- California Residents: Please review our Supplemental Privacy Notice for California residents.
Please note, however, that certain information may be exempt from such requests in some circumstances, which may include needing to continue processing your information to comply with a legal obligation. We may request that you provide us with information necessary to confirm your identity before responding to your request.
- Changes to Our Privacy Policy
We may update this Policy from time to time. If we make material changes to our Policy, we will notify you and other users as required by law. By continuing to use our Services, you are agreeing to be bound by any changes or revisions made to this Privacy Policy.
- Contacting Us
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding our Privacy Policy or practices, please send an email to help+legal@cambly.com or write to us at the following address:
Cambly, Inc.
340 S Lemon Ave. #4343
Walnut, CA 91789
- Supplemental Privacy Notice for California Residents
This Supplemental Privacy Notice supplements the information in our Privacy Policy above, and except as provided herein, applies solely to California residents. It applies to personal information we collect on or through the Services and through other means (such as information collected offline and over the telephone). It does not apply to personal information we collect from our employees and job applicants in their capacity as employees and job applicants. It also does not apply to personal information we collect from employees, owners, directors, officers, or contractors of businesses in the course of our provision or receipt of business-related services.
California law requires us to disclose information regarding the categories of personal information that we have collected about California consumers, the categories of sources from which the information was collected, the business or commercial purposes (as those terms are defined by applicable law) for which the information was collected, and the categories of parties with whom we share personal information.
As described further in our Privacy Policy above, in the preceding twelve months, we or our service providers may have collected the below categories of personal information for business or commercial purposes:
- Identifiers: We may collect identifiers such as name, email address, phone number, and other account information.
- Commercial Information: We may collect commercial information, such as transaction data regarding the transactions you’ve made with or through us.
- Demographic Information: We may indirectly collect demographic information through your profile information or tutoring sessions.
- Financial or Payment Information: We or our service providers may collect payment or other financial information, such as to process payments for the Services.
- Employment Information: We may collect employment and business contact information, such as job positions and titles, and business contact information.
- Internet or Other Network or Device Activity: We may collect network or device information, such as an IP address, unique device identifiers, advertising and app identifiers, browsing history, or other usage data.
- Location Information: We may collect general location information (such as those inferred from an IP address or time zone).
- Sensory Information: We may collect sensory information, such as video and audio recordings of tutoring sessions.
- Personal Information Related to Protected Classifications: Our users may provide us with information that reveals information related to protected classifications, such as ethnicity or nationality.
- Other Information that Identifies or Can Be Reasonably Associated With You: We may also collect other information that identifies or can be reasonably associated with you, such as when you send us communications.
We collect the categories of personal information identified above from the following sources: (1) directly from you; (2) through your use of the Services; and (3) third parties such as social networks and data brokers.
We collect the categories of personal information identified above for the following business and commercial purposes:
- Provide the Services (e.g., account servicing and maintenance, order processing and fulfillment, customer service, advertising and marketing, analytics, and communication about the Services);
- Operational purposes (e.g. to enable and troubleshoot our Services);
- Auditing consumer interactions on our site (e.g., measuring ad impressions);
- Detecting, protecting against, and prosecuting security incidents and fraudulent or illegal activity;
- Bug detection, error reporting, and activities to maintain the quality or safety of our Services;
- Short-term, transient use, such as customizing content that we or our service providers display on the Services;
- Improving our existing Services and developing new services (e.g., by conducting research to develop new products or features);
- Other uses that advance our commercial or economic interests, such as third-party advertising and communicating with you about relevant offers from third-party partners;
- Other uses about which we notify you.
Our Privacy Policy describes how we share personal information, such as when we share personal information with service providers or as required by law. In the previous twelve months, we may have shared certain categories of personal information with third parties (as that term is defined by the California Consumer Privacy Act) for business purposes. For example, if you are using the Services as a student, you may direct us to share your profile with Cambly tutors. Likewise, if you are using the Services as a tutor, you may direct us to share your profile with Cambly students and students can access video recordings of their tutoring sessions. The information in your profile may include the following categories of personal information: (1) identifiers; (2) demographic information; (3) information related to protected classifications; (4) audio/video data; and (5) other information that identifies or can reasonably identify you.
If you are a California resident, you may have certain rights. California law may permit you to request that we:
- Provide you the categories of personal information we have collected or disclosed about you in the last twelve months; the categories of sources of such information; the business or commercial purpose for collecting or selling your personal information; and the categories of third parties with whom we shared personal information.
- Provide access to and/or a copy of certain information we hold about you.
- Delete certain information we have about you.
You may have the right to receive information about the financial incentives that we offer to you, if any. You also have the right to not be discriminated against (as provided for in applicable law) for exercising certain of your rights. Certain information may be exempt from such requests under applicable law. We need certain types of information so that we can provide the Services to you. If you ask us to delete it, you may no longer be able to access or use the Services.
If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please submit a request through this form or at [EMAIL]. You will be required to verify your identity before we fulfill your request. If you have an online account with us, logging into your account will serve to verify your identity and request, although we may request additional information if we believe your account has been compromised. If you do not have an account with us, or if we have reason to suspect that the security of your account is compromised, we will request additional information from you to match with our existing records to verify your identity, depending on the nature of the request and the sensitivity of the information sought.
You can also designate an authorized agent to make a request on your behalf. To do so, you must provide us with written authorization or a power of attorney, signed by you, for the agent to act on your behalf. You will still need to verify your identity directly with us.
Do Not Sell My Info. California residents may opt out of the “sale” of their personal information. The California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) broadly defines “sale” in a way that may include allowing third parties to receive certain information such as cookie identifiers, IP addresses and/or browsing behavior to add to a profile about your device, browser or you. Such profiles may enable delivery of interest-based advertising by such third parties within their platform or on other sites. Depending on how you use the Services, we may share the following categories of information for such interest-based advertising which may be considered a sale (as defined by the CCPA): identification and demographics; device information and identifiers, such as IP address and unique advertising identifiers and cookies; connection and usage information, such as browsing history or app usage; and inference data. If you would like to opt out of Cambly’s use of your information for such purposes (to the extent this is considered a sale), you may do so by opting out as set forth above in the section on Online Analytics & Advertising.
California Do-Not Track Disclosure
Cambly is committed to providing you with meaningful choices about the information collected on our Services for third party purposes. That is why we have provided links (above) to the NAI "Consumer Opt-Out" link, the DAA opt-out link, and a Google opt-out link. However, Cambly does not currently recognize or respond to browser-initiated Do-Not-Track signals, as the Internet industry is currently still working on Do-Not-Track standards, implementations and solutions.
California Shine the Light Disclosure:
California Civil Code Section 1798.83 permits customers of Cambly who are California residents to request certain information, once per year, regarding our disclosure of their personal information (as defined by California law) to third parties for their own direct marketing purposes, or in the alternative, that we provide a cost-free means for consumers to opt out of any such sharing. We do not currently share personal information with third parties for their own direct marketing purposes.