Downgrade your plan when you want to schedule fewer lessons per week or less months.
Submit a request while logged in to your account.
Go back to the main Help Center page
Click the [Submit a Request] button at the bottom of the page
We'll cancel your current plan and refund the unused amount as a credit. Any lessons you have scheduled after this date are cancelled.
- Once we've cancelled your current plan, you can purchase any plan you like
- You'll see your credit when you check out
If you have credit left and want it refunded, submit a new request
You purchased a 12-month plan for 2.5 hours per week on March 15th.
You change your plan to 1 hour per week on April 12th.
Your new plan will start at 3am on April 13th and expire a year later on April 13th.
These aren't real prices.
- Payment for original plan is $1200 (12 x $100)
- Credit to be applied is $1100 ($1200 - $100)
- Price of your new plan is $960
Credit remaining on your account is $140 [$960 (new plan price) - $1100 (credit)].