Please don’t worry! This article will help you start calling tutors as soon as possible.
When you pay for a subscription on Cambly, you should be able to log in and call a tutor immediately.
So, here are a few things that you can check:
- Are you logged in to the correct account? Remember to log in using the same email you used to subscribe. You can check your payment confirmation email to be sure. If you created your account with a social media account, Google, or Apple, be sure to sign in the same way.
- Was your payment successful? Contact your card issuer to confirm that your payment was completed.
- Have you checked your connection? Please Test your internet connection and device.
- Did you change your plan? If so, your new plan may not become active until 3:00am the next day.
Please be aware that Cambly plans can only be purchased on our website or official app. We do not have any resale partners. We only provide service to customers who bought their plans through our website.