TIP #1: Try different tutors until you find a few you love!
The best way to get started on Cambly is to call a different tutor every day until you find a few that you love working with. Why?
- Comfort leads to confidence
Having a personal or professional connection with your tutor makes you feel comfortable. When you're comfortable, you're naturally more willing to try new and difficult things. Most of all, you're willing to speak more which builds your English fluency and confidence!
- Different tutors have different strengths
Some tutors are particularly good with grammar or test prep, and others are amazing conversationalists. Finding tutors that specialize in the specific areas you need help with makes for faster progress!
- Flexibility and variety keeps you practicing
Even if you prefer working with a single tutor consistently, having a few other favorites gives you more scheduling flexibility. Working with more than one tutor allows you take full advantage of the diversity of skills and experience Cambly tutors bring!
We have even more tips on how to find your favorite tutors, or get started now.
TIP #2: Take advantage of all your plan has to offer!
Enroll in one or more Cambly Courses
Included in your plan are a variety of courses that allow you to focus your English practice on the topics that interest and matter to you most. Cambly Courses give you the opportunity to learn new vocabulary, grammar, and idioms while offering plenty of speaking practice during your private lessons!
Take group lessons too
Sharpen your language skills in private lessons, then put them into practice by chatting in a group! You’ll practice communicating your ideas and getting your point across, even if you don’t have perfect grammar or vocabulary while learning alongside students from around the world (and hear a wider variety of accents).
Make use of your tutors
Try using the new language you're learning and tell your tutor when you're unsure or unclear. Also, let them know what you want to focus on what kind of corrections and feedback you find the most helpful right from the start. Your tutors are there to help you. So, make mistakes, tell them what you need, and ask questions!
The more curious and proactive you are, the more you'll learn.
TIP #3: Schedule your lessons in advance!
- Work with your favorite tutors on a regular basis
Scheduled lessons help guarantee that you are able to work with the tutors you want at the times you want. Schedule weekly lessons to set up a long-term schedule that can last as long as your subscription does.
- Hold yourself accountable
Scheduling lessons with tutors helps you organize your schedule and get in your weekly practice. This way, you stay on track to reach your English goals!
Learn how to schedule a lesson in advance.
Tip #4: Be sure to take a few minutes to understand how your plan works!