Extra minutes let you practice more when you’ve used all your plan minutes.
- Prep for an exam or interview
- Spend more time speaking with your favorite tutor or new tutors
- Take an extra group lesson with a Study buddy
How to buy extra minutes
You’ll see the option to purchase up to 60 extra minutes by scheduling a lesson:
- Once you've reached your daily maximum
- After you’ve used or scheduled all your plan minutes for the week
EXAMPLE: You have a 2 hour plan with a daily limit of 60 minutes that refreshes on Monday at 3:00am.
- You took a 60-minute lesson at 9:00am. Schedule another lesson for 7:00pm that same day.
- You’ve already scheduled or used two hours by Thursday. Go ahead and schedule another lesson for Saturday with extra minutes.
Where can I see my extra minutes and plan details?
Click on your profile and then the info icon to see your your daily maximum, weekly refresh time and extra minute expiration date.
My tutor or I needed to cancel a lesson using extra minutes
Any returned extra minutes can be used until your plan renewal date. Use them to schedule or take a new lesson:
- Once you've reached your daily maximum
- After you’ve used or scheduled all your plan minutes for the week
A lesson using my plan minutes was cancelled
Be sure to take or schedule a new lesson before your week refreshes. Your returned plan minutes won’t replace your extra minutes.
EXAMPLE: You have a 2 hour plan with a daily limit of 60 minutes that refreshes on Monday at 3:00am.
M | T | W | Th | F | S | Su |
60 plan |
(returned) |
60 extra |
You will need to use the returned 60 plan minutes before Monday at 3:00am.